Troll Jam

My Role

TrollJam is a game developped with Unity during a 72h integration game jam during my 4th year at IIM. This project was made with a group of 10 from different years. I mainly worked on mini-games and the integration of assets. I also got to help the younger students with their tasks.


TrollJam is a speed « mini games » run. During the God Motha’ Fatha’ Jam you realized that the mess is coming : tons of troll are there to ruin the day. Only you are capable of hacking their system. Will you be fast enough to protect the friendly students ?


  • 4 mini games based on typing
  • Fast paced, complete the games before the salty gauge fills up

The Team

Producing : 

Etienne RENARD

Game Design :

Programming :
David DUHEM, Esteban NUNEZ, François DESSARTS, Théo DRIUTTI

Art :
Alizée ANDRÉ, Soulaymane GUIGON

Sound design :
Etienne RENARD